The 411

Keep up to date on what your competition is doing. Create a strategy. Increase your odds of winning.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Dealdash 411: CURRENT UPDATE

rigs - Out of Control Newbie...joined today and is bidding in almost every auction. he doesn't know what he is doing! We need to let him burn out....he is waaay too excited. It's like Cryleew all over again. But i think Cryleew has figured out some strategy now, so we'll take her out of caps and give rigs the honor being the premiere Out of Control Newbie.
pennywiser popped up early on the Presario Notebook, so he is most likely Silently Stalking. Pennywiser is good - watch it.
BabyFidgette is going for the Chromebook - remember, BabyFidgette recently won 600 bids. Assumes she stocked up during yesterday's deal, and you have to play thinking she has 1350 bids!

Did anyone else think PIGSURFER's avatar was Jessica Fletcher from Murder, She Wrote? Not even for a second?

PIGSURFER is very involved in long wars...I think she bought the full 750 sale bids.

Dealdash 411: ProtoProtoss just got HOOKED UP!

Maybe there are too many Rational Thinkers out there...Did everyone expect a massive frenzy on for the ipad? I figured there would still be enough frenzy people to jack up the price. But ProtoProtoss just nailed it for under $2.00. He was bidding against Hopefull. Hopefull what happened? I think everyone was waiting for the price to go sky high and then try to jump in on the bid! Everyone was being too careful! You just never know when you will get the lucky break. That's why it's still a gamble no matter what. Congrats dude. We are all completely jealous and pissed off right now.

HOWEVER - keep in mind, even if Hopefull had kept going, ProtoProToss is an Oldie with skills. I think he was in for the long haul, and would have bid buddied his way to the moon if that is what it took. And who knows, 1 more bid from Hopefull could have given someone else that extra 30 seconds to log into Deal Dash and start bidding, building another big bid war. You just never know when you are going to get lucky.

DEALDASH411 - Holiday Weekend Traffic

So we are coming into a National Holiday Weekend. That would be the 4th of July, our Independence Day for anyone sure why you get a day off work. So will our DealDash friends spend their extra free time on DealDash, playing through their new 750 bids? Will they commit to staying hooked to their computers instead of enjoying the outdoors, the sun or the beach? DealDash 411 will continue to make assessments about the holiday weekend situation - see what Oldies are going to hit the auctions or who wants to enjoy their holiday weekend with fireworks. I know we'll have some HardCore Bidders poised to hit auctions when they hear all the fireworks go off, hoping that players like remysmom took Remy to go see the fireworks show.


DealDash 411: THE RANKINGS - June 26 - June 29th

Normally, DD411 will put a full weeks of game play to calculate out the weekly here is a snapshot of where we are so far this week since SUNDAY...
Totals are based upon retail price of each auction won.

1)  Ratpack - 2 items, $1024.99
2)  GRANDMAGIN - 1 item  $999.75
     OKKAMS - 1 item $999.75
3)  Sandbagger -3 items $976.70
4)  MORETOCOME - 4 items $789.85
5)  IWILLBANKRUPTU - 3 items $778.7
6)  Biddin2Win - $732.75
7)  gjsquezebox - 1 item $699
8)  iknowican - 5 items $619
9)  AlwaysBiding - 1 item $599.99
10)  Cryleew - 2 items $565.75

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


We all have to assume that most players, Oldies and Newbies will take advantage of the 50 % off sale. Max they allow for purchase is 5 bid packs of 150 bids, each for $45.
So for $225 you can get 750 bids!! You all need to assume that everyone is going to buy their max. So assume that anyone you play against has MINIMUM of 750 bids. If you do too, then it is a wash, but don't expect auctions going at low prices for at least the next few weeks. We w will see, and have already seen very long, tedious if you are going to play, be prepared to use a lot of your 750 bids and and set aside hours for your DealDash auction.
Patience may be a key factor for who wins....

DealDash 411: hints, tips, strategies

wizzig12 and are in a bad position here....Serpiente has a TON of bids after his win!! Odds are against you guys, unless you are going to Buy It Now...i worry...i worry
Ok this is my test for a mobile blog...yes from my phone. I do have a least sometimes I do...

DealDash 411 Current Players

So it looks like sime Oldies and some Re-surfacing Oldies are playing their strategies and picking now as a good time to play DealDash. In the last few hours krisoma has continued to win, MOUNTAINMAN is smelling good (got it? he won cologne. hahah), and iknowican is putting up a fight.
Resurfacing Oldies: Trucker, Bidnut - we'll study them today and see what strategy they like.
Also note, Serpiente won with no surprise - he has 600 bids!
watch out.
DD411 thinks this may be a good time to go for some lower priced items...not gift cards necessarily...I'm talking Toaster Ovens and Yahtzee here. Or choose your bigger item auction wisely, and see who you will be battling. Be prepared for Slow and Steady Strategy for higher priced items this morning. In the last few days, these higher priced items have sold at auction at very high prices...remember, $10.00 auction price means that 1000 bids had to be placed (that's why Dealdash is rich and we are not)...Consider at least 15 second average countdown time and that is alot of DealDash time to commit. You do the math.


DealDash 411: Morning Recap + NEW STRATEGY TOOL!

Cryleew - you must get on here and tell us what happened! i didn't see your name on anything last night...we need to hear from you! I'll put you in lower case letters, I promise! You need to read some tips, hints and strategies at the bottom of this blog! Please!

mclass1 took the Ipad - and a Super Mario Kart Bundle - This player scored! mclass1 is on the radar and could possibly be added to the watch list soon...

Last night our Nightcrawlers come out...some of our Oldies who win at night:

If you plan to pull an all-nighter, pay attention to when you are against a Nightcrawler - you may need to adjust your strategy

Piggy1Bird looks like she played all night too, but she'll be busy today eating Slim Jims and Playing their new Lego Wii game...At this point DD411 doesn't think Piggy1Bird is a Nightcrawler to be too worried about. In fact i wouldn't give her Nightcrawler status yet.

THE STRATEGY TOOL that DD411 is NOW offering, is a weekly ranking of players based on the amount of $$$ worth of prizes they won. You can see who is going for the big items and who may be a flipper. All to help you figure out your best move against them! And if someone surpassed the rest, I'll give them Gold Star of the Week award. Maybe  I will re-name that. That's 5th grade teacher talk.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

DealDash411 tips, hints strategy update

Now That's What i Call Country - Clearly a winning item at $.04. Please tell us you Flipped it, Ratpack.

Ok - Looks like some of the usual suspects are going to be playing tonight. SuperSonicsFan has been bidding all day, so watch out for him. MOUNTAINMAN is a force to be dealt bidding against him...

And that giraffe bag is worth staying up for a few more hours...

NOW it is your turn to comment and keep all those people up to date on DealDash...i'll be back in the morning with  your recap...we'll see who wins the Ipad...Cryleew my buddy is in on it, and a bird lady person.

Deal Dash 411 must sleep now. Signing off. Win Big. I'll check it all out in the morning

DealDash 411: Watch List Add - Something is Fishy with Cryleew

Anybody know who this Cryleew nonsense person is?? Signed up 6/16, and has won only two big items...a netbook at $23 and a Samsung she flipping these items? did she buy 1000 bids or something? She has been Bid Buddy-ing almost all the auctions today, and DD411 finds it hard to believe she can sustain this pace...We're calling Something Fishy on Cryleew.....Either something isn't quite right here, or we have to classify Cryleew as OUT OF CONTROL NEWBIE...never trust anyone who buys 1000s of bids on DealDash. They are screwy in the head....
She is officially added to the Watch List. DD411 doesn't trust her as far as we can throw her. Which is nowhere because she lives in South Carolina.

Deal Dash 411 : Current Assessment

IPAD:  Wait on the Ipad - watch for Dawnof1 Bidbuddy to go off, as well as CHDresser. They have had BidBuddy on from the start
KODAK EASY SHARE CAMERA:  you will need to wait out lailamar and SniperElite to have a chance on this one
SEWING MACHINE: DD411 says just avoid this one completely right now. There is a big time battle going.
300 BIDS: Axeman755 and Whitchhunt (is this supposed to be funny somehow? or just a misspelling? I can't be sure), have set their Bid Buddies on this'll have to wait these two out. Looks like doobee46 has also gone in gung ho, but is a Newbie, so may not last through this one.

Deal Dash 411 : Observation - Dawnof1 must have a pretty high number of bids...

Ok Dawnof1 battled for items earlier today, and it still fighting for the Sewing machine. She's had to have used close to 100 bids on the Sewing machine alone. She did battle survivorman1 for the personal TV Viewer but lost it to Ratpack. She has now jumped in on the Ipad auction that just started. She MUST have a high number of bids she has racked up to be playing the field so much. She's not playing as a bully or using Intimidation Strategies...she has been Slow and Steady, and she consistently wins items every week.  Make sure to check her limits before entering an auction against her.  She is not backing down in her auctions today. So do your homework on Dawnof1 Today.

Newbie Alert: scud1096

scud1096 just signed up today and has planted himself in most of the auctions going on in the last hour. He's messing up everyone's game, and has yet to win anything. scud1096 - please ready this blog and develop a strategy before you get classified as "Out of Control Newbie."

DealDash411 New Poll: the SEWING MACHINE! who is going to win???

who's gonna win it? go vote!

Do you think YOU should be on my Watch List?

Tell me your player name - I'll watch your game play in the next few days. If i feel you are worthy of some notice, i''ll mention you....Build up your reputation on DD411.

"remysmom" added to "Who you are you up against?" list!

Remy, you should be really proud of your mom. She spends all her time winning cool stuff on Dealdash. She's proved herself more than just a Newbie at this point. She has graduated to the LIST of people you should be wary of according to DD411. Remy just make sure your mom still pays enough attention to you. Lots of DealDash gifts are no substitute for a mom's love.

Tips, Hints Strategies DealDash Real TIme Update!!

I'm watching the  current auctions and i see one Newbie sdwilliams212 who signed up yesterday and is 2/6 on her under $200 items. sdwilliams212 is  playing an intimidation game, while SORELOSER camped out with a BidBuddy, all for FishEyes Rod & Reel with Underwater video camera. SORELOSER  you wanted a shout-out on Dealdash there  you go!! good luck!

Deal Dash Tip: Added to watch list

Last two winners of bid big auctions are:
Serpiente - recently won 600 bids
ForMe2Win - just won 300 bids....

so if you see you are in a bidding war with these guys, maybe reconsider!!

DealDash hints, tips, tricks - something's in the air

There has been a rush of Newbies signing up and jacking up all the prices! Last night nothing, not even the Nail polish went for under $.10.  Really check who is bidding against you right now....let some of these Newbies burn out a bit....

Friday, June 24, 2011

The "Buy It Now Fallback" Strategy

DealDash does offer you a way out of your gambling and losing predicament. This is a great tool when used correctly. But it can also cost you alot more in the long run if you aren't thinking this through.

Here is how it works:

You place 36 bids in the  Anti-gravity recliner ($89.99) auction and end up losing. If you click Buy It Now, they now call your package value $89.99 + 36 bids - as if you were going for an item that came with bids (Target gift card + 40 bids).
Package Value  $89.99 + 21.60 = 111.59 (21.60 is value of 36 bids at $.60each)
You spent 36 bids, which is 21.60 in value, so they then subtract that, bringing your package back to $89.99.
As if you just decided to buy the chair without ever gambling for it.

DD411 is in agreement that this is a great "out" for people to not lose all their money bidding on items.
HOWEVER, to make it a usable strategy for you, consider the following points. If these points don't all describe  you, then you will not be bitter in the end and calling DealDash a scam.


You've been looking to replace the 8 year old kitchen knife set you got from IKEA. You already plan on buying new knives. You are the perfect person for the Buy It Now Fallback Strategy.
If you didn't want an Anti-Gravity Chair in the first place, then all you are doing is spending $89.99 on an item  you never actually wanted. Think of it as walking into Walmart and buying a tricycle that you can't use and don't want.  Or an XBox video game when you don't own an XBox.

This is especially key for the high end items. If you know you already want an ipad, then play DealDash and see if you can get a better deal. If  you lose, you can use Buy It Now option and just pay regular price like you would at the Mac Store. This is the essence of the Buy It Now Strategy.


 Let's say you want 400 bids in your account to battle for the Ipad. You have to purchase these bids 400 bids to have enough to battle in the auction. (Yes maybe you won a 600 bid auction. Congratulations. But I'm not talking to you right now). So you actually purchase 400 bids at $.40. That is $160 investment to load your account and start the battle.

You battle hard, use all 400 bids and still end up losing, but you had so much fun playing. You are happy because you get to click Buy It Now, and everything is still rainbows and unicorns in your universe.

Your package value is then $699 ipad + 400 bids
.60 x 400 is a $240 value
$699 + $240 =  $939
   Bid Value = - $240
Final Price = $699 for ipad and they put 400 bids back in your dealDash account.

YES, you got all  your bids back and can use them for something else. However, don't forget the bigger picture: Your intial $160 cannot be recouped because now it is in the form of DealDash bids - you have to continue to play Deal Dash. So really, you ended up with more out of pocket to buy your ipad. Though you can still have fun playing and maybe win more items, don't forget the fact that the $160 is gone from your bank account...It's easy to overlook this, so just understand what you are doing.


DealDash  prices their item at the top retail price that can be offered for that item. They are not going to put their item's value at a lower sale price to match Target and Amazon or another retailer. Nor should they have to. They have every right to charge full retail.  You need to consider this before using the Buy It Now Strategy.

I have a list of links to same items at great prices, if you just can't deal with the injustice of having to pay full retail for something. But there isn't any FUN in that, or any excitement of maybe getting a great Deal Dash deal on your item.  You are playing DealDash for the thrill. Consider those extra retail dollars the cost to have fun and try to win.

The Strathwood Anti-gravity Adjustible Recliner is a perfect example. Deal Dash retail is $89.99. With a quick search you can find the same exact item for as low as $64.99, and $49.99 for the a similar item different maker. The point again:

Be aware that when you decide to Buy It Now, you will pay full retail for the item when you could probably find it cheaper elsewhere. As long as you are prepared to pay full retail as your worst case scenario, then go for it! Just understand what you are doing. Those who want the thrill of the risk just need to remember that you are playing for the FUN and POSSIBILITY of saving money. But you are still going to pay full retail if you lose.

Remember, DealDash is ultimately still a game! You aren't going there to get a sure deal. You are trying to win a great deal. Those complainers who think that it is crap that DealDash uses the highest retail value are ridiculous. If you don't want to pay retail, then go buy it cheaper at Amazon or Home Depot. You shouldn't be on DealDash anyway. You are clearly missing the "fun" part about DealDash.

A few finer points before we wrap up:

-   Many items have shipping costs, even when they say FREE SHIPPING. When you fill out your info to have item shipped, once you choose a state, it will re-calculate shipping. Sometimes it is still free. Sometimes there is a charge.

-  Buy It Now option does NOT let you trade in your item for bids. So before you get stuck with the Shania Beauty and Makeup Kit, make sure you actually want the item you are bidding for if you plan on using Buy It Now Strategy.

In all, DD411 thinks the Buy It Now Strategy is:

1) BEST and SAFEST option for the player who fit and can accept our points above. You now have the highest odds of getting a deal through DealDash - about the highest odds as you can get for a big item.  Your gamble is that you end up paying full retail, slightly higher than you would have paid anyway, but odds are high that you will battle and win item at a discount, possibly paying $399 (total value of bids spent + auction win price) for the $699 ipod. But understand you are spending money to buy bids to play.  Consider  what initial investment you are comfortable with. Do the math. Or ask someone else to do it for you.

2) POOR option for people who don't really want the item they are bidding on at all. That means you guys, Flippers!

Good luck!

MORNING RECAP - what did you miss last night?

Last night's auctions are a great example of why saying "the best time to bid is at night" is not entirely correct. Certain days still make a difference. If you decided to stay up all night last night, you would have seen some battles. True, if you were only looking for Flips, you could have gotten a few dvds/video games, but last night, was NOT ideal. Earlier this week there were some ideal nights. Last night some Oldies were on.
Mini Netbook currently at auction - DD411 assessment: this is a new item with few winners so far. Looks like mostly Oldies and not Newbies set up BidBuddies at the start - at least 8-10. Looks like it will be a longer auction to let all those Bid Buddies run out. Odds still fair, but suggestion is to wait and watch. Reminder to Newbies - High Priced Items are tough to win, especially when alot of Oldies are playing. High Priced Items require the utmost patience and timing, to wait for the perfect moment, and then go for it.

OUCH!! The HP Mini-Netbook Just Stung

Ugh...this auction was a tough one....janine719 set her BidBuddy and looked like she was in for a Slow and Steady auction. SORELOSER kept up with her for the beginning, but 3-4 others kept popping up with bids against janine719.  DD411 was about to post risk assessment as good odds for Slow and Steady strategy on this one. May take alot of bids, but odds were good.  BUT, no one stepped up the the plate, so janine719 ended with a win at $.54....janine719 has been around, and she is pretty darn persistent in her we were prepared for a potential all-night auction.  But no one stepped up to the plate and janine719 had an easy win.  Some on the opponents may have done their research and figured that if they weren't up for the Slow and Steady strategy then they should pass......SORELOSER dropped the BidBuddy very early, probably not ready to dedicate the bids to a Slow and Steady auction. So he cut out. That was a smart move for those not ready to spend the bids. I think head to head with janine719 tonight would have been a tough battle but with high odds...i'd say close to 50/50, as it would end up being a toss up on who would out last the other. Therefore this was an IDEAL auction for a patient BidBuddy Slow and Steady could see that early on.....too bad everyone was sleeping. 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

40 minutes for ASUS Laptop

DealDash411 Assessment : low probability. This is a newer item. If you check to see past winners (it is a one-per-user), you'll see only a few have been to auction. This means the power players and more familiar names (check the "Who You Are Playing Against" List, are most likely to go for this item and play to win. Watch carefully for the random opening that does occur - that's where luck comes in.  If you have the patience to sit and watch you can wait for a lucky moment, but overall, odds are generally low.  As the auction gets going, check further comments to this post for DD411 re-evaluations.

300 bids auction in progress....

looks like -
im2bad4u - has a Bid Buddy going... you'll have to wait that out
However, devilish is throwing in some strong-arming.
bidbidbid21 is using intimidation tactics, so wait until his ego trip is over.

iamlauriejean1 - JUST ADDED TO WATCH LIST

Newbie on the scene today - started playing roughly 7 hours ago and hit a pretty good lucky we all know it is not likely that you are going to win a bunch of auctions in just a few hours as a Newbie. iamlauriejean1 will be shipping at Target with her gift card, enjoying her 53 piece Flatware Set for 8, playiing Spongebbob's truth or square on her Wii, and having an AMC movie night. She racked up 120 bids from her wins, and more if she decides to start flipping. I'm putting her on the watchlist as potential OVERCONFIDENT NEWBIE. It's just too early to tell.

Deal Dash in the last few hours

roundheadsr strong-armed their way to winning 40 bids, Bid Buddy Off Auction. No one really took up the challenge.
SORELOSER scored some low paying items but got screwed on the Anti-Gravity Chair. I told you those chairs are like candy! People start going nuts for those. It's weird. willoverpaytowin won that chair. He's a Lamer. So over him today. Definitely an ego day for this guy.
b0ssman -Popped up in some afternoon auctions and has been throwing down some bids on quite a few items. We'll have to watch this one and see how he plays.
LadyK - back on scene today...she makes me wary. She knows her stuff. Proceed with caution if she is consistent.